ご好評につき、ALM x TFD®︎ 第2段の登場です。
Due to its popularity, the second stage of ALM x TFD®︎ is now available.
A Love Movementによる カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス製の刺繍ワッペンをThe Flavor Design®︎が別注。ALM代表作のスマイルをアレンジ、オバケモチーフを第2段では全6型に落とし込みました。
The Flavor Design®︎ bespoke embroidered patches made in Los Angeles, California by A Love Movement. The smile of ALM’s masterpiece is arranged, and the ghost motif is dropped into all 6 types in the second stage.
The white thread used stores light during the day and shines in the dark, such as at night.
If you attach it to your clothes or bag, you can rest assured even in the dark.