Flavors All In One + ALM
フレイバーズ オールインワン プラス ア ラブ ムーブメント
H.unit®︎ × The Flavor Design®︎ + A Love Movement
Flavors All in One
The Flavor Design®︎とMover & Shakeのユニフォームとしてリリースする、オリジナルオールインワン。
An original all-in-one released as a uniform for The Flavor Design®︎ and Mover & Shake.
The production is “H unit” that fuses vintage and modern.
We have added gimmicks not found in existing products, such as a special pattern by designer Matsuda and a waist cord.
「FLAVORS」のバックロゴ、胸元の「A LOVE MOVEMENT」のワッペンをポイントに、ストリートの要素を落とし込んでいます。
With the back logo of “FLAVORS” and the emblem of “A LOVE MOVEMENT” on the chest as points, the elements of the street are dropped.
襟の「mover and shake」ロゴは、着崩したときにも見え隠れするよう設計。
The “mover and shake” logo on the collar is designed to be visible and invisible even when worn.
The bespoke all-in-one that harmonizes the four brands is available in one size only.
Deployed in oversize that can be worn in unisex.
Please contact us directly for over-the-counter inventory.
About H.unit®︎
H.UNIT®︎ とは
Fusion of classical and contemporary.
Fusion of classical and contemporary.
From a unique perspective, we develop unisex products that combine vintage and modernity.
About ALM
Happy explorer Recycle project
まだリサイクルという言葉が浸透していなかった2002年にLos Angelsにてスタート。初期より製作したカシミヤジャージやスマイルパッチは中でも有名な作品です。手掛けるアイテムはオンリーワンが多く、世界中のクリエーター達から注目を集めています。
Happy explorer Recycle project
It started at Los Angels in 2002 when the word “recycle” had not yet penetrated. Cashmere jerseys and smile patches made from the beginning are the most famous works. Many of the items we handle are only one, and are attracting attention from creators all over the world.
■画像の商品は光の照射や角度により、実物と色味が異なる場合がございます。 また表示のサイズ感と実物は若干異なる場合もございますので、予めご了承ください。
■ The color of the product in the image may differ from the actual product depending on the irradiation and angle of light. Also, please note that the size of the display and the actual product may differ slightly.
■ You cannot iron the emblem or print part. It may melt or be distorted.